We will be celebrating our graduating Seniors in the next few weeks with these Senior Spotlight posts. You are encouraged to leave congratulations and best wishes for each Senior by commenting below.
**Seniors, be sure to complete the Decision Day form I sent by email and send

Week #1 Technology Challenge
Hey WEAUBLEAU TECH KIDS! I miss ALL of you! I hope you are doing well & staying safe through all of this. I wanted to send out a challenge for you guys to do the week of April 14th-21st. I know there are several of you that don't have access to the internet or a computer so I am going to challenge you to get outside to do a scavenger hunt that I have for you. Below is the scavenger hunt that I would love for you to participate in. Please take a picture with all of your items that you find and send them to weaubleaur3@gmail.com. I hope you enjoy this scavenger hunt & have fun.
Alphabet Scavenger Hunt
A: N:
B: O
C: P:
D: Q:
E: R:
F: S:
G: T:
H: U:
I: V:
J: W:
K: X:
L: Y:
M: Z:
Directions: Find something outside that starts with each letter. Please list the item that you find by each letter. Don’t forget to take a picture with you and all of your items when you're finished! HAVE FUN!
***If you have computer & internet access: 3rd-6th take some time to do some games on typing.com and practice your typing.
K-2nd- take some time to do starfall.com or abcya.com in your free time!
-Ms. Francka

Seniors please check your email this evening. Look for the graduation survey that is labeled "corrected graduation survey." Discuss this with your family. Deadline to submit is Monday at 10 p.m. If you do not have the survey in your email contact Mr. Delmont. rodney.delmont@weaubleau.k12.mo.us

We have updated our frequently asked questions. This weeks updates include: Senior Graduation, AMI Information (Alternative Methods of Instruction), End of the Year Activities, Yearbook needs and more...

All learning packets for grades preschool through 12th grade that were not picked up on April 14th can be picked up until Monday, April 20 at 3:00 p.m. Packets are located in the breezeway of the elementary main entrance. These packets can be picked up at any time of the day/night.

Art Challenge
There are millions of fish in the sea. Create your own type of fish. Give it a name and create a home in the sea for your new type of fish. Don't forget to add color! Crayons, paint, colored pencils, markers are all acceptable for this Art Challenge.
Ms. Joyce Kilgore

Enrichment Activity for Life Skills with Mrs. Garrison
Whatcha got cookin'? Cook your favorite meal, or try something new! Email a picture by Friday for the Facebook page to weaubleaur3@gmail.com

Over 5,500 meals were passed out at Weaubleau today with a combination of food from the school and the Hickory County Health Department.

Can you win Weaubleau Stay-at-Home Bingo? Save or screen shot this image and then post it to your Facebook page marking off all the things you've done. If you get five in a row, don't forget to shout BINGO! Be sure to tag us in your post by using #TIGERSTRONG. Good luck!

Homework AMI’s (Packets) should be dropped off and picked up tomorrow along with Grab and Go meals, Tuesday, April 14 from 12:00-5:00. This will continue to be a drive-thru pickup at the south doors. Please stay in your cars.
• Please make sure all homework is labeled with a name, grade and subject.
• Remember, we do not want this food to go to waste.
• If you need the meals/packets delivered to your home, please email weaubleaur3@gmail.com or call 417-428-3317 ext 242 and leave a message. If we delivered to your home last Tuesday we will deliver packets and food this Tuesday.

Happy Easter

National Movement - Be The Light

National Movement - Be The Light Campaign
Tomorrow evening (4/10) @ 8:20pm (20:20) the lights to the softball and baseball fields will be turned on for 20 minutes to recognize all of our spring sports Seniors and to let their families know we are thinking of them during this time. If you decide to drive by and see the lights we ask that you honor the social distancing policy and please stay in your vehicle.

BREAKING NEWS: In a press conference moments ago, Missouri Governor Mike Parson announced that he is ordering the closure of Missouri's schools for the remainder of the school year. Our Tuesday food days and Alternative Methods of instruction will continue. Round 1 AMIs are still due Tuesday and new AMI (enrichment) will be handed out.
More to come..

Mrs. Seay has created a “Class of 2021” Remind Group for current high school Juniors. Text @4b8gh6 to the number 81010 to join.

Destiny Discover update: All students in first through twelfth grade now have personal logins (they are the same as Reading Counts logins). Students can now download books to read offline! The directions are below, they are also on the Destiny Discover page.
Directions to download books for offline reading:
1 - Select a book and open it.
2 - Click on 'book options' on the top right side, check out book.
3 - Click on 'menu' on the top left side, then 'offline access'.
4 - When the download is finished, return to the book.
5 - While you still have the book open, add the page to favorites on your browser.
6 - Later when you are not connected to the Internet, you can open your favorites and click on 'offline content'.

Seniors - How to turn in scholarships?
1. You can return completed scholarship forms during homework packet pick up on April 14th. I will have a box labeled “SCHOLARSHIPS” Please turn them in an envelope or folder with “ATTN: MRS. SEAY” on it.
2. You can complete the online form of each scholarship, save it and email to me at unity.seay@weaubleau.k12.mo.us
3. Using a phone app, you can scan or take pictures of completed scholarship applications and send them to me at unity.seay@weaubleau.k12.mo.us
4. Mail completed applications to the school (must be postmarked by 4/24/20)
Weaubleau High School
ATTN: Mrs. Seay
509 N Center
Weaubleau MO 65774

The deadline for the Richard and LeVeta (Harper) Sanders Community Service Award has been extended until April 24th. Students can access a fillable form online at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1y1GDWGxk1I_nooFeHFTezyCQrByyVXbl/view.

We have updated our frequently asked questions. This weeks updates include:
-Senior Graduation
-AMI Information (Alternative Methods of Instruction)
-Duel Credit Classes
-Library Books
-Reading Counts
-A+ Program
-Spring Pictures

Exciting News! Reading Counts Test can now be taken from home.
This link can be found on the school website under Library Media Center.