
Senior Picture Schedule

UPDATE: The food delivery truck is running REALLY late today. Food pick-up will be between 2:00 and 5:00 today. Seniors remember to pick up your cap and gown. Library books can also be turned in during this time.
Sorry for the delay.

Staff Appreciation Week 2020

Senior Graduation

Staff Appreciation Week 2020

In place of this year’s “Senior Walk” the Booster Club has organized a senior parade for Friday May 8 at 7:00 p.m. More information to come.

We want to share our appreciation for all of our team members helping to organize, prepare, and distribute meals over the last five weeks. They have distributed over 25,000 meals!
We are proud of these efforts to help our students and community.
Thank you!

We have updated our Frequently Asked Questions. This weeks updates include: Senior Updates, 2020-2021 Scheduling, Student Checkout and more

Summer Food Survey (May 19-June 30)
We are trying to determine the interest in continuing food distribution into the summer. Please fill out the following survey.

Weaubleau High School is a 2020 Best High School, based on rankings that U.S. News & World Report published yesterday. Learn more here:

Prom Rescheduled

Just a reminder that all applications for the Richard and LaVeta (Harper) Sanders Community Service Award and all local Senior Scholarships are due Friday, April 24th. Refer to the frequently asked questions webpage for info on how to turn in completed applications.

Harryman Farms planting corn for the corn maize.

We have updated our frequently asked questions. This weeks updates include: New Senior Graduation Date, Prom, AMI Grading/Semester Grades, etc.

Graduation Update (Updated 4/21/20)
The Weaubleau School Board and Administration recognizes that the graduation ceremony is an important milestone event in our graduating seniors’ lives. Graduation has been postponed. We recently sent a survey to the Class of 2020 for feedback on contingency plans for graduation since we are not able to hold the ceremony as scheduled on May 8. It was very clear, a strong majority of the class preferred a postponed traditional graduation ceremony over some type of alternative graduation.
We plan to hold graduation on Friday, June 26 at 7:00 if the public health guidelines allow. Our alternative date will be Friday, July 31 @ 7:00. Also, the location will be at the WHS main gym, unless restrictions require alternative locations. If we are still not able to have a traditional graduation on these dates, we will defer to alternate ceremony format on July 31. The details for that ceremony would be based on survey results and guidelines from public health agencies.

Senior Spotlight - Day 2

The Yearbook needs your help! Without being at school, no spring sports, no social activities we aren't able to take photos. We'd love to have any photos of students playing, learning, having fun during the year, or now. If you can help please send to yearbook@weaubleau.k12.mo.us

We will be celebrating our graduating Seniors in the next few weeks with these Senior Spotlight posts. You are encouraged to leave congratulations and best wishes for each Senior by commenting below.
**Seniors, be sure to complete the Decision Day form I sent by email and send

Week #1 Technology Challenge
Hey WEAUBLEAU TECH KIDS! I miss ALL of you! I hope you are doing well & staying safe through all of this. I wanted to send out a challenge for you guys to do the week of April 14th-21st. I know there are several of you that don't have access to the internet or a computer so I am going to challenge you to get outside to do a scavenger hunt that I have for you. Below is the scavenger hunt that I would love for you to participate in. Please take a picture with all of your items that you find and send them to weaubleaur3@gmail.com. I hope you enjoy this scavenger hunt & have fun.
Alphabet Scavenger Hunt
A: N:
B: O
C: P:
D: Q:
E: R:
F: S:
G: T:
H: U:
I: V:
J: W:
K: X:
L: Y:
M: Z:
Directions: Find something outside that starts with each letter. Please list the item that you find by each letter. Don’t forget to take a picture with you and all of your items when you're finished! HAVE FUN!
***If you have computer & internet access: 3rd-6th take some time to do some games on typing.com and practice your typing.
K-2nd- take some time to do starfall.com or abcya.com in your free time!
-Ms. Francka