Ms. Chaney's class performing an experiment while learning about the Scientific Method

Mrs. Vines - Lab

Middle School Emints - New Devices!

5th grade made observations and predictions about the movement of particles in different temperatures of water.

Chili Cook Off

Reminder: Tomorrow is picture day!

Parents please follow this link to learn more about severe lung disease associated with vaping: https://health.mo.gov/emergencies/ert/alertsadvisories/pdf/advisory82019.pdf. Thank you for joining us to encourage all Weaubleau students to make healthy choices! #TIGERSTRONG

Come join us for the Student Benefit Poker Run!

Mrs. Hoelscher's 4th Graders worked on putting steps to make ice cream in sequential order. Once their steps were correct, they were able to make "Ice Cream in a Bag". Sr. Aid, Liz Stewart helped with this activity.

Weaubleau Softball - Conditioning

Ms. Chaney's third grade having an afternoon snack in the outdoor classroom.

Teambuilding activity in 4th grade Science - Mrs. Kilgore

Mrs. Hoelscher's 4th Graders

Ms. Waggoner preparing for the 2019-2020 school year.

Fresh Wax!! Elementary halls are currently closed. Looking good!!