Mrs. Kilgore's 4th graders working together to solve a problem. #teamwork #TIGERSTRONG
about 5 years ago, Dr. Eric Wilken
Message from Nurse Susan
about 5 years ago, Dr. Eric Wilken
Junior High Track
about 5 years ago, Dr. Eric Wilken
about 5 years ago, Dr. Eric Wilken
All Weaubleau students who have earned a 2.5 GPA for the past two semesters are eligible to apply for the The Richard and LaVeta (Harper) Sanders Community Service Award. This $2000 award will honor a student dedicated to community service. Applications are available on the counselor's bulletin board, counselor's webpage and in the counselor's office.
about 5 years ago, Dr. Eric Wilken
about 5 years ago, Dr. Eric Wilken
Kindergarten used 100 blocks or 100 cubes to build on 100th day.
about 5 years ago, Dr. Eric Wilken
Kindergarten used 100 blocks or 100 cubes to build on 100th day.
about 5 years ago, Dr. Eric Wilken
Kindergarten used 100 blocks or 100 cubes to build on 100th day.
about 5 years ago, Dr. Eric Wilken
Weaubleau R-3 - Announcement
about 5 years ago, Dr. Eric Wilken
High School Baseball
about 5 years ago, Dr. Eric Wilken
Junior High Baseball
about 5 years ago, Dr. Eric Wilken
Junior High Softball
about 5 years ago, Dr. Eric Wilken
2020 High School Track
about 5 years ago, Dr. Eric Wilken
This week in Mrs. Garrison's Life Skills class, the students finished up their infant care studies by testing the CPR skills they have learned.  They performed the steps of CPR as well as choking aid.
about 5 years ago, Dr. Eric Wilken
2020 Baseball Jamboree
about 5 years ago, Dr. Eric Wilken
First grade students enjoying some time to look at magazines.
about 5 years ago, Dr. Eric Wilken
Tornado Drill
about 5 years ago, Dr. Eric Wilken
Weekly Calenar
about 5 years ago, Dr. Eric Wilken
Class 2 District 13 - Congratulations Miller Lady Cardinals and the Skyline Tigers! Thank you to the 75+ Weaubleau volunteers that made this possible. What a crowd!
about 5 years ago, Dr. Eric Wilken