MCE Softball Tournament

Fall Baseball

The Rolling Tiger's Closet is ready! Students that need hygiene or school supplies are encouraged to take what they need.

FFA Shirts

Softball Shirts

Weaubleau FFA members Addison Durnell and Jadyn Lower presented a program summary last night at the school board meeting. These young ladies did a wonderful job.

These seniors helped serve breakfast and lunch to the staff today. Thank you!

Welcome Back Staff!

Open House

The High School sign had a makeover and looks sharp. Thank you Curtis and Karmin!

MCE Softball Tournament

There will be a Junior High Cheerleading meeting during breakfast on Wednesday, August 26 in the Performance Gym. Bring a paper with parent and student contact information. The first practice will be Thursday, August 27 @ 5:30.

7th and 8th Grade Supply List
1 box of colored pencils
4 red grading pens
2 composition notebooks
1 spiral notebook
1 bottle of hand sanitizer
2 boxes of tissues
1 package of markers
1 pair of scissors
24 pencils
8 black or blue pens
2 glue sticks
1 bottle of glue
1 pair of head phones
2 highlighters
2 folders
1 roll of paper towels
Ruler with inches and centimeters
2 containers of disinfecting wipes
Recommended- 3 inch binder with folders for organization

Supply List

XC Schedule

Junior High Basketball

Fall Baseball

High School Softball

"Stay in the Game" - We want you at School!

Fan Shop - Deadline to order is today - Several options for each item!