Tiger Trot 2020 - $10 - Proceeds go to the Weaubleau Backpack Program
The 4th-6th grade math classes solved "Turkey Mysteries" by solving various math problems. Students earned a Turkey Treat for solving the mystery.
Musical practice for the 2nd graders with speaking parts in the musical "Yankee Doodle's Dandy Christmas" will be held after school on December 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 9th from 3:40 pm - 4:40 pm. Reminders are being sent home with students today. Please contact Mrs. Garrison at kgarrison@weaubleau.k12.mo.us with any questions.
Preschool made the kitchen staff a Thank You card for Thanksgiving lunch!
🐅 💪
This month the High School Student Council presented at the School Board meeting. Students updated the School Board on their accomplishments and goals for the year.
The High School Cheerleaders did some decorating today! Looks great!
Tiger Trot 2020 - $10 - Proceeds go to the Weaubleau Backpack Program
Any student/child needing a winter coat? Need new tennis shoes? We have several available in the Tiger's Closet and more waiting to be delivered if there is a need. Call or Come see Nurse Susan!
Calendar Update
Mrs. Chism's class -Weaubleau Veteran's Memorial Trip
OCHC Shootout - Coming Soon!
Boys season tips off in 5 minutes.
2020-2021 Season Tips Off
The 2020 Giving Tree is up and ready for anyone wanting to adopt a child from the Tree for Christmas! Please come by or call Nurse Susan at 417-428-3368 ext 241 if you would like to help out a child from our school for Christmas.
We ask that you limit the gift to the following:
1. something to wear
2. something they need
3. something to read
4. something they really want
Basketball season tips off tomorrow @ Macks Creek. Covid procedures and mask mandates for Macks Creek are attached.
Have a mask ready - rmd.me/AP5IEVQ41yy
Snow Routes
REMINDER: COVID Event Guidelines
We ask for your help to ensure a safe environment for student-athletes, coaches, officials, and spectators. The guidelines below are in place for any event hosted on the Weaubleau R-3 campus. This includes youth, junior high and/or high school.
All Facilities
- All spectators are required to perform their own self-assessment for COVID-19 symptoms prior to attending any WHS event. We ask that you please do not attend if you are sick or generally not feeling well.
- Visiting team should take temperatures prior to travel.
- Home team will have temperatures taken when they arrive on campus.
- Social Distancing is required when possible.
- Concession workers will wear gloves.
- Social distancing is required when standing in line for the concession and restroom facilities.
- No gatherings will be permitted on the field or court at the conclusion of the event.
Indoor Facilities
- All spectators will sanitize their hands upon entry.
- Facial covering are highly recommended.
- Social distancing is required when possible.
- No water fountains or water coolers will be available for use.
- Every other row in the bleachers will be blocked off.
Outdoor Facilities
- Facial coverings are recommended.
- Social distancing is required when possible.
- Spectators are encouraged to bring their own lawn chairs. While using lawn chairs, please keep a safe distance from the playing field.
- No restrictions for the number of fans.
As students travel and compete across the region, the policy will vary by facility/school district. Please respect our neighbor’s guidelines.